Main Categories
VidAngel offers 5 main categories of filters:
- Language
- Intimacy (sex/immodesty/kissing)
- Nudity
- Violence
- Substances: Alcohol or drug use
- More
The "More" category includes options for:
- Credits
- Human Functions / Medical
- Vulgar Gestures
- Objectionable / Disturbing / Scary
You can choose to filter out these entire categories.
If you only want to filter certain things within a category, you can filter sub-categories.
For example, under Language, you can select Profanity and Blasphemy but leave the Sexual Reference/Innuendo. Under Violence, you can take out Gore and Graphic but leave the other options.
Individual Options
You can also choose to filter individual instances.
For example, you can filter all uses of the F-word, or 10 out of the 33 instances, if you want. You can filter one punch of Non-Graphic Violence, and leave the other punch other visible.
The choice is yours, so feel free to customize your experience to your preference!
Filter Guidelines
If you want a more in-depth look at what guidelines we use to choose our filters, check out our Filter Guidelines here: VidAngel's Filter Guidelines