Movies Anywhere is a free service that lets you connect Fandango at Home (formally Vudu), Apple TV/iTunes, Google Play, Amazon Prime Video, and other services together, so you can watch the movies that you own through those services anywhere you'd like.
This platform works with VidAngel because we can connect to your Amazon account. This means if you own movies on one of these other services and sync them to your Amazon account through Movies Anywhere, then VidAngel can access it.
NOTE: Through Movies Anywhere, VidAngel is only able to connect to movies that are purchased. It will not work with rentals or with TV shows. However, TV shows and rentals done directly through Amazon WILL work with VidAngel. See: How to watch Amazon Video rentals or purchases |
Connect Movies Anywhere to Amazon
- Create an account on
- Connect to any streaming services you have access to. Make sure one of those services is Amazon Prime Video.
Watch with Amazon on VidAngel
- Return to VidAngel and re-fresh your Amazon connection:
Link to streaming services on the mobile app
Link to streaming services on the website
- Search for your movie in VidAngel.
- Make sure the Buy Amazon "Watching With" option is selected:
- Select the Gear icon or the text telling you where you're watching from.
- Select an Amazon Buy option.
- Click "Close".
- Click "Play Now" and enjoy!
Having Trouble?
If you're running into trouble with your Movies Anywhere titles, check out: Movies Anywhere movies are not working