Filters are what we do and we have lots of options for you! Filters allow you to skip or mute the things you don't want to see or hear. We want to help make entertainment good for your home, whatever that means for you.
Types of Filters
VidAngel offers 3 types of Filters:
Default Filters
Applies to all new shows you start and is specific to each profile: Set Up Default Filters
Show Specific Filters
Applies to a specific movie or episode: Set Up Show-Specific Filters
Parental Controls
Overrides all other filters on all profiles and cannot be changed without the parental passcode: Set Up Parental Control Filter Locks
Filter Categories
Main Categories
Setting your Filters is easy. There are six main categories to choose from:
- Language
- Intimacy
- Nudity
- Violence
- Substances
- More / Other
Sub Categories
Within each of those main categories are numerous sub-categories for you to choose from.
For example, under Intimacy, there are the sub-categories of Sex Immodesty, and Kissing. These sub-categories break down even further. For example, under Kissing you have the options of Heterosexual Normal, Heterosexual Passionate, Homosexual Normal, and Homosexual Passionate.
How to Set Filters
Default Filters
You will select the things you do NOT want to hear or see.
If you don't want to see or hear all the available items within a category you can select the "All" toggle at the top. If there are only certain things you don't want to hear or see, you can click into those categories and select the toggle button next to those items.
When you select the toggle, the item will be crossed out and you will see a sound or eye icon. This means you will NOT hear or see that thing. An eye icon represents something that will be skipped. A sound icon represents something that will be muted.
For example, in the image above, under Childish Language, the filter options of "butt" and "stupid" have been selected. This means I will not hear those words, but I will hear any instances of "bum", "dumb", etc.
Show Specific Filters
You will select the things you do NOT want to hear or see.
If you don't want to see or hear all the available items within a category you can select the movie camera or sound icon next to that category. If there are only certain things you don't want to hear or see, you can click into those categories and select those items.
When you select an item it will become gray and crossed out. This means you will NOT hear or see that thing. A movie camera icon represents something that will be skipped. A sound icon represents something that will be muted.
For example, in the image above, under Sex, the entire category has been selected, which also selects all the sub-categories. This means I will not see any sex, nudity, or kissing.
Under Violence, in the Graphic sub-category, a woman shooting a man in the leg and a man shooting a man in the chest have been selected. This means I will not see those two instances of graphic violence but I will see graphic violence of a woman with a bloody wound.
Filters In-depth
You can view all our filter options here: VidAngel's Default Filters
If you'd like to know more about what all these filter options mean, check out: VidAngel's Filter Guidelines