VidAngel allows you to watch some of your favorite titles with our filters by connecting to your existing accounts from other platforms.
What We Can Offer
Supported Streaming Services
Right now, VidAngel links with these streaming services:
- Apple TV+
- Netflix (ad-free)
- Peacock
- Amazon Freevee
- Amazon Video
- Amazon Prime
- Amazon Add-on Channels:
- Paramount+
- PBS Masterpiece
- BritBox
- MGM+
- AMC+
In order to filter shows available from a streaming service, you must have an active subscription to that streaming service. If you don't see something you're looking for, check out: Does VidAngel have filters for everything?
We have also partnered with Angel Studios to offer some of their content, such as The Wingfeather Saga, Freelancers, Dry Bar Comedy specials, and more.
Supported Plans from those Services
Does VidAngel link to every plan on those services? Most of them, but there are some exceptions and some are device-specific. Please see the chart for easy reference:
What We Cannot Offer
What about a direct subscription?
We do not currently connect to STARZ, Paramount, etc. outside of Amazon Channels.
Are there studios whose content you cannot offer?
Yes, as part of a settlement agreement with Disney, Lucas Films, Warner Bros., 20th Century Fox, and their subsidiaries, we do not filter their content. You can read more about that here: A Letter from our CEO
But there are so many shows we do! We add more titles weekly and love hearing your requests! You can see how to send us title requests here: How do I request filters for a movie or TV show?
Get Connected
If you need help to get any of these services linked with your VidAngel account, you can go here: CONNECT SERVICES