If you have never created an account with VidAngel, here is how to subscribe for the first time:
- Got to www.VidAngel.com.
- Click "Get Started".
- You'll be directed to create a password for your account.
- Then we'll send you a code to the email address you entered to confirm your email.
If you don't receive the email, please double check the email address you entered and also please look in your Spam/Junk/Promotional folders.
- Once you enter that code from your email, your account will be verified.
- We'll ask you to "Review the Deal" so you know exactly what you're signing up for.
- Finally, we'll ask for you payment infomation.
NOTE: If you have a promotional code, enter it here by clicking "Add Gift Code" and then "Apply".
- Success! Your VidAngel membership is now active.
If you're on a mobile web browser, you will be directed to download the mobile app. - You will then be automatically directed to finish setting up your account: