We are big fans! The Chosen is available with filters on VidAngel through a connection to Amazon Prime. VidAngel is a filtering company. Except for select premium content, we do not offer the movies and shows directly, which is why you need to link to a streaming service to access most of the content.
You can subscribe to VidAngel to watch here: The Chosen
- Can I watch The Chosen for free on VidAngel?
- Why isn't it accessible like other Angel Studios' content that's available on VidAngel?
- What if I have more questions about The Chosen or Angel Studios?
Is it free?
Due to licensing requirements, VidAngel is not able to stream The Chosen for free. VidAngel requires a paid subscription to use our service. As always, there are no contracts and you can cancel anytime.
Get started with VidAngel to watch The Chosen through a connected streaming service!
Why isn't it included with Angel Studios' content?
VidAngel partners with Angel Studios to offer some of their content on our platform. This content is automatically included in a VidAngel subscription (no connected services needed!). However, The Chosen is not included in this Angel Studios content, in part due to a legal dispute between Angel Studios and The Chosen, LLC. VidAngel attempted to license directly with The Chosen, but couldn't reach mutually acceptable terms.
Nevertheless, we still want to offer access to The Chosen and have done so through connected streaming services. If you need help getting connected, you can see how to do that here: CONNECT STREAMING SERVICES TO VIDANGEL
Have more questions about The Chosen?
VidAngel, Angel Studios, and The Chosen are all separate companies.
If you have more questions about The Chosen or their app please contact their support here: support@comeandseefoundation.
If you have more questions about Angel Studios or their app, please contact their support here: Angel Studios Help.