If you've decided it's time to unsubscribe, we're sad to see you go, but we're happy to help make this an easy experience for you. You will need to cancel your subscription on our website, not through the apps.
If you're logged in to VidAngel, you may cancel by clicking here: Cancel VidAngel Membership
Be sure to click through until you see a cancel confirmation.
If you need more details or are running into trouble, we're here to help:
Cancel your VidAngel Subscription
If the link above didn't work for you, make sure you're logged into your VidAngel account. Another way to cancel is to navigate to your Account Settings:
- Log in to the VidAngel website: www.vidangel.com
- Go to your account settings by clicking "Profile" (or your name), then click "Account".
Here is a direct link: https://www.vidangel.com/account
- Click on "Cancel Subscription".
- Leave some feedback on why you are canceling and then click "Continue".
- You may see some offers. Take advantage of these or, if you still want to cancel, click "Continue to Cancel".
- You'll see a Confirmation Page. Click "Confirm Cancelation".
After canceling, you will still have access to your subscription until the end of your billing cycle.
We hope you'll come back and filter with us again!
No "Cancel Subscription" Option
If you don't see the Cancel Subscription option there are a few reasons why:
If you see "Start Subscription" instead and you're getting charged for a VidAngel subscription, this means that you have another account with VidAngel and that you are currently logged into the wrong one (see An account vs. a subscription). Please log out, log back in with the correct account email, and you will then see the option to cancel.
If you need help locating the correct account, please contact us HERE.
If you subscribed using your Apple ID this means that you started the subscription through your iCloud or iTunes account and are using your Apple account to pay the subscription fee. You can only cancel this subscription through Apple.
You can find instructions for that here: Cancel an Apple Subscription
If you subscribed on your Roku this means that you started the subscription through your Roku account and are using your Roku account to pay the subscription fee. You can only cancel this subscription through Roku.
You can find instructions for that here: Cancel a Roku subscription