If you're having trouble watching on our website and you've gone through all the steps in troubleshooting the website, then we'd like to show our engineers the errors that your computer is receiving on the backend. Here's how to get us that information:
- Using a Chrome or Firefox browser, go back to the VidAngel website where you're running into trouble.
- Open the Developer Tools. You can do this manually or using a keyboard shortcut:
MANUALLY1. Right-click anywhere on the web browser window to open a pop-up menu.
2. Select "Inspect" and a code box will pop up on the right side.KEYBOARD SHORTCUTCHROME on WINDOWS: Press ctrl + shift + J on your keyboard
FIREFOX on WINDOWS: Press ctrl + shift + K on your keyboard
CHROME on MAC: Press cmd + opt + J on your keyboard
FIREFOX on MAC: Press cmd + opt + K on your keyboard - Click on the Console tab at the top.
- Take a screenshot (instructions below)
- Then click the Network tab.
Send us both images and our engineers will review them to see if we can isolate what is causing the problem.
To take a screenshot:
- Mac: Press Command+Shift+3
Windows: Press the windows button
+ PrtSc key